Life After College

As time seems to be going by faster and faster, I am left with a lot of decisions I need to make very soon. As I have stated in one of my earlier blogs about having a job lined up, I still have a few things to solidify before my next chapter in life.

The first thing I need to figure out is whether or not I want to live at home or find myself an apartment. I have always been a family guy so living at home would not be such a bad thing. One way to look at it is I would be saving a lot of money for a long time. With my job I will be doing a lot of traveling because it is a sales position. My thought process behind this is why would I want to spend money on an apartment or a house, when I can live at home and have zero costs of living. Another option would be buying an apartment, which is something I would love to do right away. When talking with my friends about this, we came up with an idea of maybe getting an apartment together to start off our work life. I like the idea of this but I also do not want to get distracted with work at the same time. This is something that is going to take some time for me to figure out exactly what I want to do, but to start I think I may live at home and save as much money as possible, or until my parents kick me out of the house.

Another thing I need to get figured out is what kind of car am I going to want to drive. Right now I drive a 2014 Ford Fusion and I am hoping it last me a long time. Because I will be in sales and traveling a lot, the miles are going to start racking up in the good old fusion. I need to find something that is both good on gas and affordable for me. While I could probably get any car that I want, it would be dumb to spend a huge chunk of my paycheck on something such as a car. With that being said, I need to make sure the car I get is very reliable and a comfortable ride as well.

 Looking back at how fast these last four years have gone, I can say that I am looking forward to graduating and starting the next chapter in life. In one of my earlier blogs I wrote about how life is practically over with once you start working (which I still believe to be true) but I am more than ready to be done with school and the constant headache that comes along with it. 


  1. I also have a job after I graduate and it is very close to home. I love my family but I am also ready to start living my own life, so although it is logical for me to stay at home and save money I am looking forward to getting my own place and starting to make my own life and find out a lot more about who I am.

  2. I wish you the best of luck after college! I have an internship this summer and I chose one that is not close to home and I will have to sublease an apartment. Obviously that means I would earn less money sense my internship is paid but I wanted the experience and just being away from home and doing something completely on my own. Hope you figure it out!


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