Keys to Success while playing Fortnite

            I am sure everyone has heard about the new third person shooter game called Fortnite! It is a very realistic game where you start by jumping out of a flying school bus and landing safely using an umbrella. Let me begin by saying not only has this game given a re-birth to the gaming world, but also Fortnite has brought back that middle school late night gaming. Competition and teamwork in gaming is something we have not seen since Modern Warfare 2, and now it is back. Fortnite has connected us with many old and new friends through the life of the game.
            There are many different strategies one can go about when playing this game as well. First, you can be the over aggressive psycho and just jump out of the bus right away and hope that you get a gun to protect yourself. In this strategy, you have to be very confident in your play and get in and get out. If you would like to play like this, I highly recommend going to Tilted Towers; it is an absolute mad house there. The next strategy I am going to cover is one that I believe is the most successful. I like to call it the Lonely Lodge strategy. Lonely Lodge is a beautiful camping site on the outer edge of the map and there are tons of chests and guns that you can get your hands on there. On top of all of this, you are protected by a lot of trees so you have nothing to worry about. Once you get everything you need, you can then proceed your way to the circle and survive for as long as you can.

The last Strategy I am going to cover is one they call “BE THE BUSH.” This is an absolute genius strategy. When you are on the run in this game you will see tons of trees and bushes along the way. Do not feel ashamed if you get scared and just want to hide for a bit. The best thing to do during this stage of play is finding the closest bush to hide in. Not only are you basically invisible, but also you can see everything that is going on around you. But wait, it gets better!! When opening chests, sometimes the game will throw in a bush that you can actually wear. Yes, you read that right; you get to become a bush. Wow how exciting. This, my friends, is the key to winning any Fortnite game.

What should you carry in your backpack?
You are given five open spots in your backpack on this game and I am going to give you what I believe are the smartest things to carry at all times.
1)   Tactical Shotgun: This gun is very good for close range and it is very powerful as well.
2)   Assault Rifle: This might be the most important gun in the game. You can have a few different kinds throughout the game. They have ARs, burst guns, and scars. The scar is the best assault rifle you can have.
3)   Sniper: This is great to have because you can scan the map when you are on high ground. It is always smart to view your surroundings before making your next move in this game.
4)   Med kit: Having a med kit is huge because if you take any damage, it will automatically give you 100% health.
5)   Shield Potions: These give you an extra shield of protection during battle. You can have up to 100% shield and basically live longer in case of an attack on you.
Everyone has a different strategy when it comes to this game and they all want to carry something different. These are the five things that I believe are the best to have with you at all times. I highly recommend this game to anyone and everyone. Add my gamer tag on Xbox One: JBoBo10


  1. This game has gotten very popular on the men's swim team here at Ohio Northern. I play occasionally but I will admit that I am not very good at the game yet. I probably just need to put some more time into it. You are right about the bushes, they are extremely helpful, there have been countless times where I have sat in a bush and watched other people fight it out and they have no idea that I am there.

  2. This is an awesome post seeing how Fortnite has taken over the gaming community. That's all I see on my snapchat whether it's my friends back home or here at school, someone is always posting a win. It's amazing to see the spark it has brought back into video games. I feel like each and every year new games come out that are just updated versions of last years games so it is awesome to see a new innovative wave come through the community like Fortnite did.


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